George and Addie Ours
Matching Gift Challenge
Capital Clubhouse is pleased to announce the George and Addie Ours Annual Matching Gift Challenge. $20,000 a year has been pledged towards the salary of a third staff person to join the Capital Clubhouse community. The ability to fund this position is critical to the success of our newly-opened Clubhouse as we prepare for the expected increase in members.
Ken Dreyfuss is the generous spirit behind this gift. A native Washingtonian, former Olympian, collegiate rowing coach, and a philanthropist, Ken leads a busy life coaching high schoolers in Annapolis and supporting causes he knows would have been close to his own parents’ hearts. He became aware of Clubhouses through his friend Mary Noble Ours, whose cousin has been a long-time member of the Charlottesville Clubhouse. The Matching Gift Challenge is named in honor of Mary Noble's parents, George and Addie Ours, whose generosity and civic-minded pursuits have been an inspiration to their many family and friends.
The Capital Clubhouse community thanks Ken for his annual gift, his time, and his kindness. With help from the Washington area community, we will rise to the challenge!